Last updated: Jul 12, 2022

When you have a dental emergency over the weekend, you need an emergency dentist located in Yonkers that’s open on Saturday and Sunday. The need for urgent dental care doesn’t wait for a weekday. Our best-rated dentist treats every kind of dental emergency and accepts most insurances. If you need immediate dental care to stop bleeding, relieve severe pain, or save a tooth, contact our local urgent dental providers near you (914) 965-3864. An abscess or severe infection in your mouth can be potentially life-threatening, and treatment should not wait.

    An emergency dental affects your eating, drinking, working-and pretty much everything you do. Waiting for regular business hours isn’t always an option. The best dental specialist John Habib DDS is available to relieve your pain and discomfort every day of the week.

    Any time you have pain or an injury in your mouth, knowing what to expect and what to do can make an uncomfortable situation more tolerable. Urgent dental care on a walk-in basis or within 24 hours covers injuries to your natural teeth, issues with dental hardware, or trauma to your soft tissue.

    I finally took the time to make this review. On behalf of my mother. I want to thank I think her name is cece not sure but if I have the right name I hope you are reading this.. to c thank you for making my mother visit so comfortable and relaxing. Actions speak louder than words, and your enthusiastic presence breathes life into this organization/ dental office. Your a gem. Most people are scared of the dental but if they have people like you no one will hate the dentist office. Dr doctors is amazing as well but I had to talk about c. Because is the first time someone actually made my mom feel like they care not only for their teeth but for their health as well. She made my mom laugh that when I picked her up all she talked about was you. Thank you once again next time I’m coming to meet you!
    Genova Richards
    Google Review

    How to Cope with Dental Emergencies

    Facing any emergency dental is often an extremely scary prospect and especially as it usually happens that the most inconvenient times. However, if you are faced with a dental urgent care or if a loved one is in pain or distress, the best thing to do is to contact our dentist immediately.

    Any dental injury has the potential to become serious and shouldn’t be ignored. If you try to ignore a dental problem, the risk of more permanent damage is greater. You will almost certainly need more extensive and expensive restorative treatment later, so it’s far better to deal with the problem as soon as you can.

    Talk to a Dentist

    Our dental office in Yonkers is open on Saturday and often on Sunday. Anytime you call us, we will be able to offer you immediate help and advice over the phone. Our emergency dentist can tell you what to do to relieve discomfort and how to handle your pain until you can come in for proper dental care.

    What Is a Dental Emergency?

    There are dental emergencies, and then there are dental problems.

    Other dental emergencies include knocked-out teeth or injuries to the soft tissues in your mouth, which are bleeding profusely.

    Dental problems that also need urgent attention include:

    • Lost fillings
    • Crowns
    • Teeth that have become chipped or cracked


    A toothache can be caused by untreated tooth decay or a crumbled filling that is leaking or missing entirely. This lets in disease-causing bacteria that will infect the tooth. It’s important to see a dentist for toothache as soon as you can. Our urgent care dentists will diagnose the problem and provide immediate care to relieve the pain.

    Dental Abscess

    A dental abscess requires urgent emergency care because the affected tooth is extremely painful. The gum around the tooth will normally look red and swollen. There may be a pimple filled with pus on the gum nearest the tooth. Severe dental abscesses can cause facial swelling, fever, and a general feeling of malaise.

    If you experience these symptoms, call our urgent care dental team immediately or go to your nearest ER.

    It’s possible for the bacteria that cause dental abscesses to travel to other parts of the body, including the brain, creating problems that can become life-threatening.

    Knocked out or Partly Knocked-out Tooth

    A knocked out or partially dislodged tooth is another real dental emergency. If the tooth has been knocked out entirely, retrieve it, holding it carefully by the crown, and avoid touching the tooth root. The crown of the tooth is the part you can normally see in the mouth. If the tooth root looks dirty, rinse off the dirt but leave any fragments of tissue still attached to the tooth root.

    The next step is to replace the tooth with the empty socket, but only if you feel able! If you can, insert it gently but don’t force the tooth, and make sure it faces the right way around. If you can’t reinsert it, place the tooth in a small container with a little milk, saliva, or some water with a pinch of table salt.

    You can also buy a solution for storing a knocked-out tooth that comes in a little container. The solution contains growth mediums that help preserve the tooth. Next, take yourself and the tooth to the nearest dentist and don’t delay! Your dentist is far more likely to be successful in reinserting the tooth in the first hour after the accident.

    If you have a partly knocked out tooth, you must still see our urgent care dentist straight away. Your dentist will give you advice over the phone on what to do until you see them, for example taking over-the-counter painkillers.

    Lost Fillings

    Fillings can become loose or gradually crumble. It’s essential to see a dentist as soon as you can to get your fillings restored. When a filling fails, it will let in disease-causing bacteria that can cause more tooth decay and infection in the cavity.

    If you don’t get a filling replaced, you risk developing a far more serious problem like toothache and eventually even a dental abscess. In the worst case, you could end up losing the tooth.

    Do not delay. Call our dental center in Yonkers at (914) 965-3864.

    Until you can get to our emergency dentist, you can protect the tooth using a small piece of sugar-free gum inserted carefully into the cavity. Or buy some over-the-counter temporary dental cement to plug the hole.

    Lost Crown

    If you lose a crown, save it and make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as you can. You can try reseating the crown using temporary dental cement or denture adhesive, but please don’t use household glue as you could damage your tooth and it will almost certainly destroy your crown.

    If the crown is still in reasonably good condition, your dentist may be able to clean it and recement it. However, if it is a bit older, it may need replacing entirely. The good news with this option is that you can almost certainly have a new crown that looks far nicer and a lot more natural than your old crown.

    Chipped or Cracked Tooth

    A chipped or cracked tooth requires restorative care, and it’s important to see your dentist as soon as you can. The longer you leave the tooth without treatment, the more likely it will become infected and decayed. What started as a small chip or crack could potentially develop into a much larger problem.

    Most Common Dental Emergencies Involving Teeth

    A dental emergency can cause tooth pain. Several reasons for this include:

    • Your tooth throbs and aches if the root or pulp — where the nerves are located — has been damaged from excessive decay or from injury. If you’re in significant pain, use over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses until you see your emergency family dentist.
    • Broken, chipped, cracked, or fractured tooth. Contact sports falls and accidents can result in broken, cracked, or chipped teeth. Biting down on hard objects can fracture a tooth. Rinse your mouth with warm water. If you’re in pain, over-the-counter medication and cold compresses to control swelling and ease pain. Bring any tooth fragments to your nearest emergency dentist.
    • Knocked-out tooth or tooth needing extraction. Although an emergency dental care dentist attempts to save your tooth, a tooth may need to be extracted. If your tooth was knocked out, rinse your mouth and tooth in warm water, but don’t remove any tissue from the root of the tooth. Use cold compresses and bring the tooth in a container with saline or milk.

    Urgent Dental Care Regarding Dental Hardware

    Emergency dental care sometimes involves repairing dental appliances or hardware, such as:

    • Broken crowns or fillings. While crowns and fillings are durable, they don’t last forever. If the entire crown has come off, replace it with toothpaste or dental adhesive until you see your cosmetic dentist. Don’t use any other adhesive, although a stick of sugarless gum can fill a hole in a tooth.
    • Denture repairs. Dentures are made of breakable materials and accidents happen. Your dental emergency clinic fixes broken dentures quickly and efficiently to send you back to your daily routine.
    • Broken braces or wires. Use a pencil eraser to try and move any broken hardware that’s poking your cheek, gums or tongue. Cover it with dental wax or gauze until your local emergency dentist can fix the problem.

    Emergency Dental Care for Soft Tissue or Bone

    A dental emergency can involve a cut or blunt trauma to your soft tissue or jawbone. These accidents don’t usually wait for regular business hours. Find a weekend emergency dentist or an urgent care dental center to treat:

    • Bitten tongue or lip. Chewing hard substances can result in injury to your tongue lip or cheek. Clean it with a wet cloth. Apply ice or cold compresses to reduce the swelling. If the bleeding persists or is excessive or the cut is deep enough to require stitches, seek dental urgent care or your emergency room.
    • Abscess or swollen jaw. An abscess occurs from an infection on or around your gums, between your gums and tooth, or sometimes near the root of the tooth. Injury, decay, or previous dental work can cause abscesses. Sometimes, an abscess means the nerve of the tooth is dying or dead. Seek emergency dental care quickly as infection can lead to more serious conditions.
    • Soft-tissue injury or trauma. Accidents during sporting events, recreational time, or falls may result in injury to your tongue, lips, or cheeks. Try to control the bleeding with a salt solution, moistened gauze, or moistened tea bag. Cold compresses ease bleeding as well as swelling. If the bleeding persists or the injury is severe, go directly to an emergency dental center.
    • Broken jaw. For this kind of jaw pain, apply cold compresses or ice and go immediately to your emergency dental clinic or emergency room.

    A dental emergency comes in many different scenarios. Reducing your pain and discomfort is the first goal of your local, nearby emergency dentist. Working with your medical history and understanding your symptoms helps your urgent care dentist treat and recover from your accident, trauma, or tooth discomfort.

    Emergency Walk-In Dentist Services

    Most dental emergencies occur at inconvenient times and can be very painful. Are you plagued by a late-night toothache or dealing with the possibility of losing a tooth? Park Avenue Smiles can handle every dental problem on the same day!

    If you need fast, walk-in care from an experienced dentist, visit our Yonkers-based urgent dental care facility. We are open for emergency dental services 7 days a week, including Saturday and Sunday. Our expert dentist is here to get your dental trauma or urgent dental issue fixed at an affordable price. Please call us to arrange an appointment at our local office and start your journey to better oral health.

    Our board-certified dentists have years of clinical experience to provide you with the proper emergency dental care. Our office in Yonkers is equipped with the newest technologies for dental treatment and offers a wide range of services to meet your dental needs.

    While advanced technologies are an essential part of proper dental urgent care, our staff does not overlook the need for excellent customer service. Park Avenue Smiles also works on Sunday & Saturday, and our specialists will always take the time to listen to you.

    Do you have any questions about emergency dental care? For more information or to schedule an appointment with the urgent care dentist in Yonkers of Park Avenue Smiles.